Hyderabad: The Choice of Developers

The Nizam city – Hyderbad underwent a major change from being a city famous for its biryani to becoming India’s next IT hub.   After Banglore, Hyderbad has been considered as the silicon valley of India. In the past few years, there is gradual progress in Telangana.  Considering the statistics, Hyderabad will replace Banglore in no time. Big firms like Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and Apple have chosen Hyderabad as their second home.  As per research, with the entry of the aforementioned biggies, more than 50% of techies preferred Hyderbad over other cities. 

The only question arises in one’s mind is why Hyderabad? The government is making various efforts to make Hyderabad as next IT hub. With the opening of the largest incubation center called T-Hub, Hyderbad provides an opportunity to people wherein they walk with an idea and come out with a product or solution. Hyderabad has become the most favorable city for the development of startups.  With the evolution of the IT hub called Cyberabad. Hyderabad becomes a hotspot of many tech companies. The development of technological infrastructure called Hitec City promoted several US-based companies to establish their operations in Hyderabad. Major US-based IT firms like, Samsung, Motorola, Oracle, Yahoo, HP, Texas Instruments, GE, Qualcomm and many more are in Hyderabad. Microsoft’s largest R&D campus outside the US is in Hyderabad. Also, the major IT services firms of India like TCS, Wipro, HCL, Tech Mahindra, Cognizant have development centers in the city.

With around 350+ engineering colleges, Hyderabad has become a talent magnet for both companies and talent alike. The Hyderabad software industry workforce is estimated to be around 4.06 lakhs. Hyderabad also serves as a popular city in terms of infrastructure as well. The infrastructure in Hyderabad is focussed on roads, flyovers, city space,  24/7 electricity, and improving water supply. The city also adds value to the IT hub with business tourism that has been ever-increasing from the last 5 years. Hyderabad accounts for nearly 11 percent of national IT exports.  

Hyderabad has progressed to make it a choice not just for companies but for developers as well. As per indeed data, the average salary for a software engineer in Hyderabad is 70% above the national average. 

If you are working in Hyderabad as a software developer, congratulations you have everything – top brands! Wonderful infrastructure! High salary!

If you want to work in Hyderabad’s popular companies, here is the chance for you.