Welcome to BigShyft AAA

The countdown to the launch is over! We are back with a bigger, better and bodacious mammoth! We at BigShyft envision to build a trustworthy and personalized tool to assist you in the best possible way in finding your perfect recruits. Get your hands on the upgraded product and experience the AAA way of hiring. 

Hi Recruiters,

Ever since we started, few of the most common requests and complains that we got were:

“I would love to get upfront and genuine availability of a candidate.”

“There are 1000s of candidates with 1000s of CVs and 100s of similar points. I wish somehow I can see just the accomplishments and skills relevant to my requirement.”

“I want to see candidates that I am actually looking for.”

“I don’t want to waste time talking to irrelevant people who are either not interested or not available .”

And so on..

So that is exactly what we worked on. One, getting you the true availability of candidates and second, providing you better and more relevant information about the candidates to make shortlisting and recruiting decisions. We worked hard to create that data and use experienced recruiters to discern the background of candidates and we also created an assessment process to replicate the first round or a large part of the first round to give you pre-interviewed and assessed candidates by the industry experts. We have essentially created all this to provide you with most relevant recommendations and candidate information upfront. AAA is our way of assessing a candidate’s profile. Not everyone can be a AAA candidate, only the best and truly interested ones who are thoroughly verified and assessed are tagged as AAA.

AAA way of hiring

The usual process of recruiting requires a recruiter to follow multiple steps 

  1. Go through 100’s of profiles on different platforms
  2. Select a suitable candidates
  3. Call to validate the relevancy and accomplishments
  4. Check of availability and pitch the job
  5. Conduct 1st round of interview to assess candidate’s skills 
  6. And then subsequent interview round
  7. Joining formalities 

In the above mentioned steps a lot of effort and time goes in validating and checking availability. And a majority of chuck is eliminated before reaching step 6. And by the time you reach out to the relevant candidates who are genuinely interested, they are no longer available. BigShyft is here to make your life better.

With the AAA way of hiring we take care of step 1 to 5 for you. We also assist you in candidate management and getting consent from the jobseeker. You just focus on your hiring process only for the relevant AAA candidates.

AAA Candidates

These are the candidates who are “Accomplished”, “Available”, and “Assessed” and we provide you with the insights focusing on these 3 parameters for all AAA candidates.

  • Accomplished: Insights about remarkable & relevant achievements of the candidate
  • Available: Candidate’s true joining availability and insights
  • Assessed: Reports of pre-interviewed and assessed candidates

There are 1000+ candidate profiles. You can send interest to candidates you like and see their contact details once they accept your interest. Few pointers about them:

These candidates cater precisely to the problems discussed before. Now you can reach out to relevant people and pick up the best of the bests for your job roles.

Product upgrades

In order to give you the premium experience of the AAA way of hiring, we have upgraded our platform with tons of features and a refreshing new look. 

  • Enhanced candidate profile: To give to best and reliable insights of the candidates
  • AAA recommendations: Most relevant recommendations for each of your live mandates. You can send interest to all of these AAA candidates
  • Send interest: Send interest to the suitable candidates with single click
  • Upgraded my jobs sections: To give a summary on the status of your job postings and candidates for each mandate with richer information
  • Enhanced job card: To show upfront summary of all applications, interest sent, AAA candidates, and shortlisted candidates
  • Status update: Options to update the status of every candidate in the process so that you don’t have to use any other tracer for all the AAA candidates

These are just a few; there are many more upgrades on the product. So what are you waiting for? Go to the website and check out these new upgrades for yourself!

Also last but not the least. Thank you! For being our early adopters and being a part of our building process. We have learned from you and will always do. Please share your valuable feedback. This helps us improve and in return give you  the best-in-class hiring experience that BigShyft promises. 

– Team BigShyft