Category: Uncategorized

BigShyft-Xcelerate for Candidate

What does BigShyft-Xcelerate offer to you : As a candidate, who is actively searching for jobs or still thinking of a possible career change, we...

BigShyft-Xcelerate for Companies & Hiring Managers

BigShyft-Xcelerate is a Pre-Interviewing Platform that offers interviews of the candidates and vetted by software engineers/ interviewers. BigShyft makes the interviewing process easier and faster...

Job search amidst the festive season

The world is enclosed in the air of celebrations. Every individual is singing the song of merriment. Everyone is hopping from one place to another....

Things to Consider in Tech Recruitment

In ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ Stephen Covay said, “I am convinced that although training and development are important, recruitment and selection are...

How Effective is Linkedin?

With nearly 660+ million users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide, Linkedin has become a one-stop destination for job posting and searching. If...