Job search amidst the festive season

The world is enclosed in the air of celebrations. Every individual is singing the song of merriment. Everyone is hopping from one place to another. The world is following the rule of “Shop, Eat, Repeat”

2019 is soon going to be the thing of the past. We excitedly wait for 2020. But does that mean job search and hiring have stopped for this year? Do all recruiters are in no-work mode? Will the job process start next year now?
The answer to all these questions is ‘No’. The situation is completely opposite to what it appears. Companies usually have predefined targets to achieve by the end of the year. It is an undeniable fact that ‘targets are always hard to achieve.’ Hence, many companies work double to recruit as many candidates as possible.

Why is it a good idea to search for a job in the holiday season

Companies are Hiring: There is no season when no company is hiring. This is not just a saying but a fact. Won’t believe? Look at these job postings and you’ll know the reality. Human Resource department is more active in the month of December as they need to form a powerful workforce to start a new year with a bang. Year-end budgets closed and new budget rolled out makes it more important for companies to hire more people. They need to spend the budget left before January 1st.

Less Competition: Just like you, most people are of the opinion that no recruitment happens in the month of December, but this mindset makes doors open for you. If you apply in this festive season, your resume will pop up on the top of the recruiter’s mailbox and you with all the required skills and qualities will be able to secure a job and make your new year more ‘new.’ This also gives an impression of commitment to the recruiter which allows the company to make a quick decision.

Holiday Party Networking: Socializing and networking are the primary ways to expand your professional circle. You might be someone from your domain at a random party or in a random shop. Don’t be afraid to share that you are looking for a change. You never know that the random person will land you in a perfect job. But in process, don’t forget to party hard, after all, it’s New Year!

More Free Time: “There is no one who is not looking for a job” This is a fact known by many and denied by all. As per the Forbes report, you can make your holidays more productive by looking for a perfect job. Rather than spending your extra hours in doing nothing, make it productive by looking for a job, scheduling your interview and landing into a great job. You may look for new vacancies here.

Things to do, if you are not looking for a job in the holiday season

Brush up your skills: No one is perfect. There is always a scope for improvement. The holiday season is the best time to learn new things. You may learn new techniques that will help you to code the uncoded.

Organize your info: This is the best time to organize everything. You may have scribbled any recruiter number, email id or other details. Try to write/ make a spreadsheet and arrange the details in a tidy manner. If you are searching for a job through BigShyft, you don’t need to do this activity as BigShyft does all this for you, coordinate with the recruiter and give you the exact information.

Update your documents: Make your free time productive by editing/improving your resume and cover letter. You may add any new skills or projects you have worked on. Update your contact information in your resume. Read this blog to discover how to attract recruiters with your resume.

Update your social media accounts: Nowadays Linkedin is the first medium through which recruiters source candidates. Keep your Linkedin profile thoroughly updated. Share articles on Linkedin, if you have written any. Be a part of Linkedin groups because most recruiters post their requirements in a group (in their own circle) rather than making it public. You may join BigShyft job search group to know about recent openings in the tech industry.

Looking to improve your job search in the holiday season? BigShyft can help!: Backed by InfoEdge Group who can help you to find the best opening than BigShyft. Just like you, BigShyft has over 25000 active job seekers, who use the product every month and over 200 top tech/product recruiters are serving the candidates with the best job. Register here to never miss any opening. You may also follow our Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter pages to stay updated on what’s happening in the tech industry.